Thursday, February 4, 2010

Magellanic Woodpecker Pair

Magellanic Woodpeckers, originally uploaded by billy3001.
Magellanic Woodpeckers often travel in pairs or small family groups, as do several of its relatives. That's a fortunate thing for the lucky photographer!

Cream-backed Woodpecker:  Apparently solitary outside of breeding season
Crimson-bellied WoodpeckerUsually encountered in pairs or familiesCrimson-crested Woodpecker:  Observed in pairs or small groups
Cuban Ivory-billed Woodpecker:  No notes on it
Guayaquil Woodpecker:  Often met with in pairs
Imperial WoodpeckerLives in pairs and in family groups of 3 - 5 (10?) birds
Ivory-billed Woodpecker: No notes, though other sources mention travel in pairs and groups
Magellanic WoodpeckerMet with singly, in pairs or in groups of 3 - 4
Pale-billed Woodpecker:  Found singly or in pairs
Powerful WoodpeckerOften encountered in pairs
Red-necked WoodpeckerFound in pairs or small family parties
Robust WoodpeckerNo notes

Source:   Woodpeckers: A Guide to the Woodpeckers of the World by H. Winkler, D. A. Christie & D. Nurney

Now, close your eyes and imagine seeing 10 live Imperial Woodpeckers at one time!


When we had secured all the birds near camp
another party of five or six
[imperials] was found in the hills a mile or so
away, and the Indians told us of other places where they were common.
- E.W. Nelson in The Auk, Vol. XV, No. 3, July 1898